Free High School Transcript Maker for Homeschool

200+ homeschool families have created professional transcripts and course descriptions—essential college application documents. Try it now!

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mom smiling with joy, holding a transcript

Multiple HS Transcript Template with Automatic GPA Calculation

Transcript Template

Easily Add Siblings. Explore Multiple Transcript Templates with Automatic GPA Calculation.

College Application Essential Documents

Transcript & Course Descriptions Made Easy

Free tools to craft transcripts & course descriptions for an essential college application.

Securely Store Your Homeschool Transcript and Records

Your data is encrypted and kept safe—store records with peace of mind.

Freedu is free

Frequently asked questions

Can I print or export the transcripts in PDF format?

Yes, freedu allows users to export transcripts in PDF format, ensuring ease of sharing and printing.

Is there a limit to the number of transcripts I can add to freedu?

No, freedu does not have a limit on the number of transcripts or students you can create. We aim to support your child's entire high school journey.

Ready to make a transcript?

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Welcome to

I'm Mia. Just like some of you, I teach my two amazing kids at home. Our homeschooling adventure has had ups and downs, but I've always had support from wonderful people in our community.

When my kids got older, I wondered how to make sure colleges would see their efforts. That's when I discovered the importance of a well-prepared high school transcript for homeschoolers.

But making that paper was tricky and sometimes costly.

So, I thought, "Why not create a simple, free tool to help out?"

That's why is here!

My goal is to help families make this important transcript easily and for free.

Thanks for visiting! I hope this tool makes your homeschooling path a bit easier.
