Logging Non-GPA Credits on Transcripts

Last updated: May 5, 2024

Certain courses like elective arts, physical education contribute to credit requirements but do not impact the GPA. This page offers easy 3 steps on how to accurately document these classes on high school transcripts.

Step 1:  Record Your Class

Record Class Name

First things first, you need to add your class to the app. Just type in the name of the class you're taking. It could be something like Art, Music, or any other subject that's graded as pass or fail.

Step 2:  Choose Your Grade

Choose your grade

Once you've entered your class, you'll choose how you were graded. For non-GPA credits, you'll select "Pass" or "Fail" from the options. Don't worry; this won't affect your overall GPA, but it will show that you've completed the class.

Step 3:  Add Your Credit

Choose your grade

Next, you'll need to add how many credits this class is worth. Credits are like points that show how much this class counts towards your graduation requirements. Just enter the number, and you're all set.

Once you've entered all the information, our app automatically calculates your total credits. It keeps the non-GPA classes separate so they don't mix up with your GPA classes. This means your GPA won't be affected by these classes, but you'll still get credit for taking them.

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written by

Mia Watanabe

Founder of Free Homeschool Transcript Maker.

Started homeschooling after my son came home from school in tears every day. Homeschooled for 10 years, learning as I went.

Built a free homeschool transcript service when I couldn’t find one. Now helping over 60 families at https://freedu.us/